MAAH was postponed in late 2022. After receiving beta reader feedback, Jessa and I felt that it required more editing then we were able to achieve, while also meeting our other writing commitments. We wanted to make sure the book we published was our best work, so we canceled the preorder and decided to come back to it at a later date. There is a statement about this on our Facebook group and personal instagram accounts. As of now, there is no new date announced. I get asked almost daily if there is an update on this. Rest assured that if and when there is an update, it will be posted widely.
I do not maintain a permanent ARC team, and instead send out a sign up a few weeks prior to the release of each book. How many spots open before each book varies.
I will always announce open spots on my Instagram group chat before anywhere else.
Flora and Wes will appear in the short story we are donating to the Dissent charity anthology. Jessa and I have no plans to give them a full length book at this time.
All the tags and triggers are listed at the front of each book, as well as on our websites. If you still have questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Signed copies of all my books are in my Etsy shop.
Jessa and I don’t currently offer signed copies of our joint books. The only way to get these would be to meet one or both of us at a signing. -
Please email
As of November 2024 I am working on a new series, soon TBA
You can view my signing schedule here
I have created a separate page for this, you can get the answer to all questions here